Regulator Independent Study for Gaming Industry Professionals @ UFN

Regulator Independent Study for Gaming Industry Professionals

The following courses are conducted by the Nevada Gaming

Control Board staff.


Pre-Licensing and Background

Pre-licensing and background investigations agents will

learn how to conduct an investigation on an applicant's

personal background and financial history. This session

encompasses basic interview techniques, fundamentals of

background investigations, personal financial investigations,

business investigations, an analysis of an applicant's proposed

gaming operation, and investigations in foreign jurisdictions.

Pre-Licensing and Background Investigations

Fundamentals of Financial Investigations
Understanding Company Due Diligence Programs
Supervising Complex Investigations
Investigating Foreign Applications
Developing Reliable Resources
Organized Crime in the Gaming Industry
"Associations" Detection and Evaluation
Financial Investigations
Investigation of PTC's (Publicly Traded Corporations)

Financial Investigative Techniques

for Non-Financial Professions

For those who do not have an accounting or financial

background, this session will address fundamental financial

terms and analysis techniques. Participants will learn how

to interpret and understand income statements, balance

sheets, and tax returns for individual applicants and their

business entities. Cash flow analysis, deposit analysis,

and how to review a business general ledger will be

explained. A case study will also be conducted to apply

these learning tools.

Professional Gaming Seminars

Financial Investigative Techniques

for Non-Financial Professions

Seminar Topics:

Fundamental Financial Terms
Analysis Techniques
Interpreting Income Statements, Balance Sheets and Tax Returns for Individuals and Businesses
Cash Flow Analysis
Deposit Analysis
Reviewing a Business General Ledger



Law Enforcement and Criminal


The Law Enforcement session is geared toward officials

tasked with investigating gaming related criminal activities.

Several topics will be covered. The Table Games session

will explain minimum internal controls, how table games are

cheated, card counting versus advantage play, managing a high

profile case and preparing for court. The Race and Sports

session will explain how race and sports betting is conducted

in Nevada and how it ties in with illegal bookmaking activities

in jurisdictions inside and outside of Nevada. The Money Laundering session will explain how to identify money

laundering targets, outline the investigative objectives, the

three stages of money laundering, law enforcement efforts,

bank accounts and wire transfers, and methods of detecting

money laundering. Dispute Investigations will address how

to investigate and arbitrate a dispute between the player

and the casino. Sophisticated cheating methods used on

slot machines are also covered.

Professional Gaming Seminars

Law Enforcement and Criminal Activity

Seminar Topics:

Table Games Cheating
Table Games Investigative Strategies
Sophisticated Cheating methods
Following the Money (Money Laundering)
Race and Sports Book Betting
Patron Dispute Investigations



Gaming Device and Associated

Equipment - The Approval


This session is targeted toward those interested in

understanding the approval process for gaming devices

and associated equipment in Nevada. This session will

explain the Gaming Control Board Technology Division's

role in Nevada's regulatory mission, the Nevada regulatory

structure, define what associated equipment is and what

it is not, and describe the process for gaming device and

associated equipment approval.

Professional Gaming Seminars

The Associated Equipment Approval and Installation Process for Manufacturers and Operators

Seminar Topics:

The Process for Gaming Device Approvals
What Associated Equipment is and is not
The Process for Associated Equipment Approvals
The Technology Division's Role in Nevada's Regulatory Mission



Group I Licensees Regulatory


Professionals who perform audit procedures for Nevada

Group I non-restricted gaming licensees (those with an

annual gross gaming revenue of $5.31 million or more) will

find this session extremely beneficial. The Nevada Gaming

Control Board's Audit Division performs full audits of all

non-restricted Group I licensees every two to three years. The

objective of the session is to address the Minimum Internal

Control Standards (MICS), specifically in the area of slots,

table games, cage and credit, and information technology.

Time is provided to respond to specific questions.

Professional Gaming Seminars

Group I Licensees Regulatory Compliance

Seminar Topics:

Version 6 Minimum Internal Control Standards (MICS)
Table Games
Cage and Credit
Information Technology
IGIGAM1000 Group II Licensees Regulatory Compliance

This session will explain what Nevada Group II nonrestricted licensees (those with an annual gross gaming revenue of less than $5.31 million) can expect from an audit. The Nevada Gaming Control Board's Tax and License Division performs full audits of all non-restricted Group II licensees approximately once every three years. This session includes explanations of the internal control procedures, accounting requirements, the computation of gross revenue, the minimum bankroll formula, and various other regulations. Time will be provided throughout the session for questions and comments.
Professional Gaming Seminars

Group II Licensees Regulatory Compliance

Seminar Topics:

What to Expect from an Audit
Gross Revenue Computation
Reduction/Elimination of Internal Control Procedures
Slot Payouts
Drop and Count Procedures
Cage Accountability
Live Entertainment Tax
Table Games Fills and Credits
Key Employee Reports
Bankroll Verification

IGIGAM1001 Restricted Licensees Regulatory Compliance

This comprehensive program is designed for owners, operators, and managers of restricted license locations and addresses what a restricted licensee can expect from the routine compliance procedures performed by the Nevada Gaming Control Board. The session addresses some of the more common violations and how to prevent them. It will include a discussion of operational requirements related to progressive jackpots, supervision of the slot machines, minimum bankroll requirements, internal controls, record keeping requirements, problem gambling, and various other regulations. It will also address the live entertainment tax and applicable state gaming fees and taxes, and review the rules relating to promotional slot machines and promotional activity. Time will be provided throughout the session for questions and comments.

Restricted Licensees Regulatory Compliance

Seminar Topics:

Supervision of Slot Machines
Progressive Jackpot Requirements
Promotional Slot Machines
Minimum Bankroll Requirements
Internal Controls
Record Keeping Requirements
Problem Gambling
Fees and Taxes

* Topics and instructors are subject to change based on speaker availability.

IGIGAM1002 Gaming Employee Registration (Gaming Work Permit)

This training session is open to all licensees and is conducted by the Enforcement Division of the Nevada Gaming Control Board. The training will review the employee registration process from start to finish. The session is designed for new personnel, human resource representatives, and current reps needing a refresher session. Enforcement Division representatives will be on hand to answer any questions relative to the process and assist with individual problems or concerns your property may be experiencing.

Professional Gaming Seminars

Gaming Employee Registration Training

Seminar Topics:

Review the online payment process
History of the Gaming Employee Registation Program
Demonstrate the online Gaming Employee Registration process
Discuss changes to the Employee Registration Process and Nevada Revised Statutes
Review NRS 463.0157, NRS 463.335, and NGC Regulation 5.100
The fingerprinting process
How to access the Gaming Control Board System of Records